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ARK and the University of the Ryukyus sign a joint research agreement on land-based aquaculture of tropical aquatic species

We would like to inform you that ARK Inc.  (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; Japan  Representative: Koyo Takeshita) and National  University Corporation, University of the Ryukyus  (Location: 1 Aza Senbaru, Nishihara-cho,  Nakagami-gun, Okinawa Prefecture; President:  Mutsumi Nishida) have entered into a joint  research agreement under the Japan Science and  Technology Agency's program to support the  formation of collaborative spaces. Through this  joint research, we will conduct experiments on the  closed-loop cultivation and transportation of  various tropical fish species found in Okinawa,  starting with malabar grouper. Additionally, we aim  to utilise the outcomes obtained from this joint  research to further activate the land-based  aquaculture industry.

<Research Project Title>  

Technical experiments on growth trials, shipping,  and transportation of tropical fish species using  the land-based Closed Recirculating Aquaculture  System (CRAS) "ARK-V1".

<Research Objectives and Content>  

1. Growth Trials of Tropical Fish Species such as  Malabar grouper (Yaitohata)  

We will conduct growth trials within the "ARK-V1"  Closed Recirculating Aquaculture System (CRAS)  to study various parameters essential for  aquaculture. This research aims to develop  reliable aquaculture techniques that ensure stable  growth. Additionally, we will investigate factors  such as feed and lighting to improve farming  efficiency.  

2. Exploration of Tropical Fish Species for Land based Aquaculture Potential  

Exploring new methods such as technical  verification and freshness preservation to ensure  safe, delicious distribution (including packaging,  transportation, and processing) of tropical fish  species grown within the Closed Recirculating  Aquaculture System (CRAS) "ARK-V1".

<Location of Research Implementation>  

On the Chihara Campus of the University of the  Ryukyus (Nishihara-cho, Nakagami-gun, Okinawa  Prefecture) and at ARK Inc. Shonan  

Manufacturing Plant (Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa  Prefecture).  

<ARK-V1 Installed at the Chihara Campus of the  University of the Ryukyus>

National University Corporation, University of the  Ryukyus  

The project "Establishment of a Global Hub for  Sustainable Land-based Aquaculture Integrated  with Agriculture Towards Realising a Resource Circulating Symbiotic Society" under the Japan  Science and Technology Agency (JST) Co Creation Program for Creating Collaborative  Spaces (Co-Creation Field: Full-scale Type), led  by Professor Akihiro Takemura of the Faculty of  Science, aims to address future challenges in food  production from a fisheries perspective. These  challenges include food shortages due to  population growth, sustainability of energy supply,  adverse effects of food loss and waste, and  difficulties in fisheries management due to lack of  successors. The project seeks solutions through a  new industry that breaks down barriers between  agriculture and fisheries, aiming to achieve a  circular society where young people take the lead  in nurturing and providing food. The research  focuses on three targets: establishing a foundation  for efficient circulation of "food", developing  foundational technologies for "energy" circulation,  and enabling advanced utilisation of "information"  through technological development.

・Location: 1 Aza Senbaru, Nishihara-cho, Nakagami-gun, Okinawa Prefecture 

・President: Mutsumi Nishida 

・Established: 1950 

・Faculties: Faculty of Humanities and Social  Sciences, Faculty of International Studies and Regional Development, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of  Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture 

・University of the Ryukyus Website: https:// 

・Project Name: 

Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Co Creation Program for Creating Collaborative  Spaces (Co-Creation Field: Full-scale Type)  "Establishment of a Global Hub for Sustainable  Land-based Aquaculture Integrated with  Agriculture towards Realising a Resource Circulating Symbiotic Society"  

・Official Website of the Project: https:// 

・Project Leader: Akihiro Takemura (Professor, Faculty of Science) 

・Deputy Project Leader: Fumihiro Haga (Special  Appointed Professor, Co-Creation Hub Operation  Division) 

・Representative of the organisation responsible  for overall management of the hub: Kazuhiro  Kiguro (Director of Research Promotion (Director  and Vice President)) 

・Contact: Co-Creation Hub Operation Division, University of the Ryukyus Research Promotion  Organization 

University of the Ryukyus COI-NEXT Full-scale  Project Office (Contact: Kono,  Haga)

ARK Inc.  

ARK focuses on the mission of "decentralising  aquaculture" by offering a system where  aquaculture can be conducted anywhere by  anyone. We develop and sell small-scale,  decentralised Closed Recirculating Aquaculture  System (CRAS) known as "ARK," which is a land based, closed-loop aquaculture system. Unlike  existing large-scale aquaculture systems, this  system allows starting decentralised aquaculture  with minimum investment and operation costs  within the space of a single parking spot. “ARK” is  capable of operating off-grid by utilising renewable  energy, significantly reducing energy costs and  environmental impact. In addition to these  hardware solutions, ARK Inc. also plans to provide  the remote management application essential for  aquaculture operations, along with supplies, fry,  and aquaculture expertise.

Representative: CEO Koyo Takeshita  

Established: December 23, 2020  

Headquarters Location: 1-7-20, Hiroo, Shibuya-ku,  Tokyo  

Shonan Plant: 4-15-13-1, Higashiyawata,  Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa, Japan  

Overseas base (ARK WORLDWIDE LTD):  London, UK  

Company Website:  


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